Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Module 5 - Imaginative Bridges - Part 2

Gary Burns' "A Typology of 'Hooks' In Popular Records" talks about how songs catch your attention in different fashion; whether it be through rhythm, melody, harmony, lyrics, instrumentation, tempo, dynamics, improvisation, sound effects, editing, mix, channel balance, or even signal distortion. As Burns provides his different songs for examples to each sub-section, I mentally float through my own discography collection and think of more songs that can fit the need.

Each song Burns describes has its own uniqueness, just as each lesson I give has to be fresh. I see my students for only one hour, once per week. My lessons have to be "catchy" in their own manner, providing a "hook" which gets the students' attention and excites them enough that they wish to perform the art lesson. If I lose a student from the start of the class period, they usually take another one down with them. I do not have a producer looking over my delivery, but I can implement different ways of approaching each lesson, so that I can keep everybody's attention.

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