Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crossing Video Over To My Room

Working in the Lansing School District presents a lot of challenges; one of which is the lack of available technology. I teach in three different buildings and one has me doing "Art-on-a-cart." You try showing a video to 10 different classrooms when each teacher has different set-ups (if any at all).

I would love to be able to create a "documentary" about different art movements and the artists that worked in each. If I ever get the opportunity to use technology in my art class, the kids eat it up. The trick is to make the subject matter interesting, so that the students do not just phase out and ignore what the lesson. I did find and present a cartoon video biography about Leonardo da Vinci. I usually have "Tootsie Roll Quizzes" when I give art history, but I made this one real interesting. I placed $2 on my desk and challenged my 5th graders to get 100% on my test. One of the questions had obscure information, but I told them to listen very hard to one particular section. Needless to say, I kept my $2

For those that ask what a "Tootsie Roll Quiz" is - I present biographical information (movie, reading, lecture...) and the students get to take notes. I ask Who, What, Where, When, Why & How questions and the kids get to use them notes to answer the questions. As I administer the quiz, I walk around the room, repeating the information over and over, throwing Tootsie Rolls to the first child to answer my question correctly. I give the quiz again a week later, but without the notes and it is amazing how well the kids remember the information. Try it!

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