Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gettysburg, PA - 25 January 2011

Hi All,

I posted my photography assignment pics on Facebook, but will do the same here.

I went to Gettysburg, PA over the July 4th holiday last year and I took almost 300 pictures. I like to play around with my camera and sometimes I try to get a little serious with it too. As we were walking down main street, we came upon the train station. I ran across the street and quickly snapped a shot of my wife and daughters in front of the building. All I did for this was to center the building and zoom out just enough to catch one of my girls playing on the train tracks. I did not care about the background, or the composition, all I cared about was to capture the moment.

As I started to walk back across the street, I looked down the main drag and noticed how the depth of the town made for a nice composition. I quickly changed the settings on my camera to panoramic and took a series of three pictures. I panned from left to right, capturing the train station, main street and the restaurant. I used  the telephone pole and train crossing bars as a frame. It is not perfectly centered, but close enough to draw your eye in the direction of looking down the street. This way, you see what I saw on this day.

I posted both pictures in black/white and in color so you can see/compare for yourself how much the color adds to the scene. Gettysburg is a brightly painted city and I feel that the black/white pictures loses a lot of the feel for the town. The color photographs give you that, "I was there" feeling.


  1. Very interesting place. I never really had an image in my mind of what Gettysburg looks like today.

  2. If you have an interest in history, you need to go here. It is amazing how much different it is to SEE Gettysburg, rather than read/hear about Gettysburg. To actually walk the battle line and see how large the 3-day event was is unbelievable. You can see the ebb and flow of the battle and almost tell why they made the moves they did (strategy wise). Seeing the number of men that gave their lives is very soul stirring also.
